King of Qing Xin "The Potion" Jade Oolong Tea - Winter 2017
King of Qing Xin "The Potion" Jade Oolong Tea - Winter 2017 King of Qing Xin "The Potion" Jade Oolong Tea - Winter 2017 King of Qing Xin "The Potion" Jade Oolong Tea - Winter 2017 King of Qing Xin "The Potion" Jade Oolong Tea - Winter 2017
$ 16.00

From the same plantation as our extremely popular "The Potion" in 2017, this is the 2017 final version, and it arrived along with the latest version of our popular  Lishan Tie Guan Yin from 2015 spring (which is also an superb tea that should not be missed). 


This tea is called "The Potion" because (like a potion) it's one of the most magical elixirs we found so far from an elevation this high. This season that crystal clear wintery character is even more robust thanks to the weather. And again, unlike the spring version, which was like a beautiful lady with beautiful make-up, this winter version expresses an implicit side of the same tea. From a full orchestra to an elegant soloist (and we are sure that soloist plays flute or violin), is the best way for us to describe it. 



Harvest:  Winter 2017 / 冬 貳零壹柒

Varietal:  Qing Xin Oolong / 青心烏龍

Elevation:  2550 M / 貳仟貳佰伍拾 公尺

Region:  Fushoushan / 福壽山

Oxidation Level:  25% / 分之 廿伍

Roast Level:  0 / 無



 Strong aroma with floral and fruit right from the get go.  Mouth feeling is noticeably cool and sweet.  Very viscous and expansive in the mouth with a long lasting peach taste that lingers.  This is an elegant and complex tea that quickly draws the drinker into it's verdant world, bringing deep relaxation and enjoyment.


 The wet leaf aroma is so intoxicatingly rich and buttery. It definitely imparts the feeling like you are about to experience something beautiful. I used my ceramic kettle and good spring water to brew. The first few rounds were thick and plump with all of the creaminess of the aroma. The body and aftertaste were layered and lasting. A great start. Round after round the tea gave more floral rich sweet goodness. It's not an overly potent potion but it lasted many steeps and the body of the tea kept giving. Enjoy!


  Water is still boiling......