Songboling Natural Farming "Orient Summer" Black Tea - Summer 2018
Songboling Natural Farming "Orient Summer" Black Tea - Summer 2018 Songboling Natural Farming "Orient Summer" Black Tea - Summer 2018 Songboling Natural Farming "Orient Summer" Black Tea - Summer 2018 Songboling Natural Farming "Orient Summer" Black Tea - Summer 2018
$ 16.50

This tea was not in our selling list at the beginning. We processed it with the strict guideline of "fermentation," which we have been emphasizing since the winter of 2017. However, the black tea didn't deliver a high-profile aroma at the very beginning. It was properly fermented, but lack any kind of charm a black tea should be carrying with. The tea was a success , but also a failure, so we put it away. 


After three months in the making something magical happened This initially character-less tea began to express a special kind of flavor that is very similar to a well-known and high class tea - Oriental Beauty. This was totally outside of our expectations. There might be miracle, but we didn't expect the miracle of ugly duck can actually happen in such a short period! This unwanted black tea is no longer a partial failure, but a total success.


Again made from our favourite varietal Four Seasons Spring (Si Ji Chun) from an energetic plantation, this black tea delivers a satisfying feeling when interacting with the human body. The name "Orient Summer" was chosen due to its almost Oriental Beauty-like character. We think it is a wonderful footnote to the hot summer of Taiwan.  



Harvest: Summer 2018 / 夏 貳零壹捌

Varietal: Four Seasons Spring / 四季春

Elevation: 350 M / 參佰伍拾 公尺

Region: Songboling / 松柏嶺

Fermentation Level: 85% / 分之 捌拾伍

Roast Level: 0 / 無



 Water is being poured!


  I brewed 4 grams in an 60ml gaiwan. Beautiful rose-like aromatics and smooth sweet touch on the palate right off the bat. The second steep had clear oriental beauty character. Was so lovely and sweet with a refreshing tinge of black tea on the tail end. This tea steeps so satisfyingly good. I really loved the whole experience. Definitely a unique tea worth trying.


 This tea made this old dog embarrassed at the very beginning. Like mentioned in the description. It's delicate potential takes time to discover (which took three months), and normally no one can wait that long. If the tea being made was not carrying a high profile aroma once being dried, most people will simply consider it a failure. However, an old dog had faith in this tea even though it wasn't appealing at first to the "common sense", and time proves an old dog has been right. This "Orient Summer" is a reminiscent of Oriental Beauty Oolong, while the body is full and round like a black tea should be.