Dazuan Natural Farming "Perfume of Spring" Red Oolong Tea
Dazuan Natural Farming "Perfume of Spring" Red Oolong Tea Dazuan Natural Farming "Perfume of Spring" Red Oolong Tea Dazuan Natural Farming "Perfume of Spring" Red Oolong Tea Dazuan Natural Farming "Perfume of Spring" Red Oolong Tea
$ 10.50

This can be considered as the "official" red oolong from Taiwan Sourcing. In other words, we finally have processed a red oolong that we were planning to create from the beginning. "Dark Perfume" was a beautiful accident, while this "Perfume of Spring" was a graceful and deliberate masterpiece.


Mr. Chen's material was again the "chosen one" for our work. This clean yet rich material has been a faithful companion since the beginning of our processing journey, and now we are giving it a new form this summer. Processing red oolong is tricky compared to traditional oolong because of its application of "rolling," a process that is normally only used in black tea production. With rolling applied, the tea will present a much "redder" character, but adds more factors to be considered and controlled during processing. 


Normally when making a traditional oolong tea, do the "killing green" in the morning, however this is not a traditional oolong. This red oolong began its rolling in the late morning, and its fermentation started at noon. It is very tricky to maintain the stability of a raw tea's core during such a long processing period. The longer each stage takes, the more caution must be used to mitigate any potential issues, which is why we took such painstaking care when producing this tea. The end result of this "Perfume of Spring" is unprecedented, and you will know why once it reaches your cup.



Current Status: Price adjusted due to land taken back by the landlord and tea trees were removed permanently.

Harvest : Summer 2021 / 夏 貳零貳壹

Varietal: Four Seasons Spring /  四季春

Elevation: 350 M / 參佰伍拾 公尺

Region: Dazuan Village / 大庄村

Fermentation Level: 65 % / 分之 陸拾伍

Roast Level: 1 / 壹 分



 Water is boiling!


Very tasty at first sip, lots of thick juicy character to appreciate. Sweet and smooth, easygoing and affordable.


 Red Oolong is here! It is finally on our shelf! An old dog was not willing to process red oolong due to the risk it may add to the tea material. We successfully overcome that barrier and created a proper red oolong for all this summer of 2021. This shall be our all time listed tea like "Overlord" in the future not only for its taste, but for it drinkability. Please enjoy this new creation with us.