2003 "Finest Green Big Tree" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake
2003 "Finest Green Big Tree" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake 2003 "Finest Green Big Tree" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake 2003 "Finest Green Big Tree" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake 2003 "Finest Green Big Tree" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake 2003 "Finest Green Big Tree" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake 2003 "Finest Green Big Tree" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake
$ 12.50

People who have been searching for delicious and valuable aged raw pu-erh tea will immediately notice this cake we are carrying. This green tree logo has been a symbol for one of the finest quality raw Pu-erh teas one can find, and we are honored to deliver it to you with this awesome vintage that has been stored in Taiwan for years.


How shall we write about its character? We feel the original description on its wrapper already did an excellent job, so we will just translate it directly from the Han characters:

普洱奇種 Pu-erh's rare varietal 獨特配方 with unique recipe

 條索肥厚 Rolled leaves are fat and thick 方顯本色 to show its truth

 湯色黃明 Color is in bright yellow 金圈俊顯 with golden circle handsomely displayed

 滋味濃烈 Taste is pungent and thick 香高悠長 with long lasting and rich aroma 

 光澤油潤 Its luster is oily tender 美如烏金  as beautiful as dark gold

*Please order a sample first (before ordering a whole cake) to try this tea.  Some people will find the Taiwan storage too "wet" for their taste, others will love it.  


Original Han Character: 極品綠大樹 

Vintage: 2003 / 貳零零參

Varietal:  Assamica / 大叶种

Region: Menghai, Yunnan / 勐海云南 

Oxidation Level:  90% / 分之 玖拾

Storage History:  Stored in Taiwan since 2003



 Ultra smooth but totally robust Menghai character.  Notes of vanilla and beet sweetness present.  Touch of bitter and astringent.  Cha Qi is strong and noticeable but not in your face.  Ultra clean Taiwan storage with no mustiness at all.  Very tasty tea that easily takes 10+ steeps!



